Get Outdoors Terms & Conditions

All participants of programs, events, and offerings facilitated by, or in partnership with, Get Outdoors MN are required to agree to its terms and conditions.

We take our partnerships seriously, so you may notice alignment with other affiliated agencies in Central Minnesota. One of our strongest partners is Stearns County Parks who requires agreement to the waiver pictured at the base of this page.

Individual Terms & Conditions (ages 18+)

In order to participate in this activity, I agree to hold Get Outdoors MN programs, events, or services, and/or any park system and/or participating entity, its employees, agents and contractors harmless, and I give up any right I may have to make claims or lawsuits against them. I acknowledge that this is not an essential service provided by Get Outdoors MN’s programs, events, or services, and/or any park system and/or participating entity, its employees, agents and contractors.

I understand and acknowledge that the activities I am about to voluntarily engage in as a participant have certain risks. I understand that these risks, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, may result in injury, death, illness, disease, or damage to myself or my property, or to other persons or their property. I voluntarily agree and promise to accept and assume all responsibilities such as injuries, death, illness, disease*, or damage to myself or my property arising from my participation in this activity.

I give full permission to Get Outdoors MN for the public disclosure of any photographs or videos I am included in without the use of any other identifying information. I understand Get Outdoors MN will not release any information with the photographs selected for public viewing in an effort to honor confidentiality.

I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against Get Outdoors MN and its founders, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to utilizing Get Outdoors MN’s services and premises. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen. I do this of my own free will.

Youth-Based Programming Terms

​Acceptable Behavior Policy:  To ensure a safe and fun environment for all, children are expected to behave in an acceptable manner and use appropriate language at all times. It is important to remember that there are no refunds if a child is asked to leave the program due to unacceptable behavior.
Photography Release:  By selecting Yes, you authorize Get Outdoors MN, to obtain, store, publish and/or use (without payment) any photographs, slides, sound and/or video recordings made of your child for public relations, marketing/advertising and/or internal training purposes. No identifying information will be shared in said publications.
Refund Policy: Each registration fee is nonrefundable after two weeks prior to the start of camp. Cancellations made after this time are nonrefundable, as materials and educator costs are allocated and final.
Emergency Treatment Authorization:  You hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of your child, should a medical emergency occur, which the attending medical professional believes requires immediate attention to prevent further endangerment of the minor’s life, physical disfigurement or impairment, or undue pain, suffering or discomfort if delayed. Permission is granted to the attending physician to proceed with an examination, diagnosis and medical or minor surgical or other treatment. In the event of a medical emergency, you understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact you in the most expeditious way possible. The authorization is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach you. This release is authorized for the duration of the registered session. This release is authorized and executed of your own free will, with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances, for the protection of life and limb of the named minor child, in your absence.
Liability Waiver:  On your own behalf, and a parent or guardian, you acknowledge and agree that there is the possibility of physical injury or loss associated with your child’s participation in the program and hereby release, discharge Get Outdoors MN, its affiliated organizations, employees and associated personnel including the owners of the program facility against any and all claims, liabilities and/or damages as a result of your child’s participation in the program.